目前分類:星座,生肖,命理 (4)

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HooiMin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


从昨天开始,我整个人恍神到一个无可救 药的地步了。 整个人像是迷迷糊糊的在混。昨天去买晚餐的时候明明给了老板10块钱,却以为自己只给老板5块钱,还跟老板说你找多了钱给我。还好老板也很老实的跟我说,我是给了10块钱。 今天一早骑上摩托, 还没走出大路, 一恍神就从摩托上跌 了下来。 我的脚又无端端少了一块肉。痛死我了!

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  • Nov 04 Sun 2007 22:53
  • Tarot

 last year, when i was lost, i go for tarots reading. it shows my present(at that time) is death. i was so sad, i dont know what show i do. the death card in tarot does not mean that i'm going to die but it show that i'm in the dying stage where i suffer so much, that is true at that time. the death card in tarots reading oso means the reborn, something new will go into life and something old have 2 let go. is a transformation process.

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